Monday, March 18, 2013

Chapter 7 Conclution

To be honest, this is the longest chapter I have learned so far. I nearly spent my whole week (spring break, OMG!) to finish reading it. But it's really useful, and I developed two awesome tools which satisfied me. So in the beginning of this chapter, I first learnt some core technical concepts related to Maya's GUI and then develop a base class for tool option windows. Then, explore some of Maya's built-in GUI controls and demonstrate how could easily extend this class to quickly create new tools. Finally, I learnt some advanced topics related to tool creation, such as serializing data and working with files.

In addition to have mastered some basic GUI commands, I have another hands-on example of some of the benefits of object-oriented programming in Maya using Python. By creating basic classes for common tool GUIs, I can introduce new tools much more easily than using MEL or manually creating new windows for every new tool. Moreover, I have learned best practices for executing commands with GUI controls, organizing GUI windows, and architecting GUI code in a larger code base.

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